What more do you need to hear jesus before the high priest
What more do you need to hear jesus before the high priest

what more do you need to hear jesus before the high priest

Aaron or the many priests that would follow knew that “it shall be upon Aaron when he ministers, and its sound will be heard when he goes into the holy place before the LORD and when he comes out, that he may not die” (Ex 28:35). That’s because every single piece that the high priest wore represented something that God was trying to teach the Israelites about himself. For example, bells were part of the priest’s attire and may have represented praise to God, since the Hebrew word for bells sounds very much like “strike” or “to strike,” otherwise we are not told what the bells represent, only that “the sound of the bells will be heard when he enters the Holy Place before the Lord and when he comes out, so that he will not die.” (Ex 28:35). The high priest’s clothing had dozens of different accouterments with specific meanings attached to each one. After this, he is sent into the wilderness, never having done anything deserving of death. It was called the scapegoat and upon his head were symbolically placed all of the sins of the people.

what more do you need to hear jesus before the high priest

The high priest could only go into the Holy of Holies once a year and that was only on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), representing our sins being placed upon Christ, represented by placing the hands on the goat along with all of the sins of the people.

what more do you need to hear jesus before the high priest

That’s because God is highly concerned with His holiness and how we regard Him in a reverential way. The Book of Leviticus is about the priestly duties and strict requirements and this may explain why the Book of Leviticus has more references to holiness (80 times) than any other book in the Bible. That’s just how serious God takes being in His presence, for nothing unclean can be near Him as He is pure holiness, perfection and without blemish, just as Jesus Christ is described. You had to get it right or you’d be dead. There is no grey area about serving as a high priest. The high priest could be struck dead if they did something they were commanded to not do and if they were commanded to do something and didn’t do it. The Holy of Holies represents the very presence of God and is a dangerous place to make a mistake or do something without thinking. Is it true that the high priest had a rope tied around his waist when he entered the Holy of Holies? The Holy of Holies

What more do you need to hear jesus before the high priest